Saturday, August 30, 2014

Aashi 11-12 months

My hair is finally long enough for pig tails! 

But sometimes I like to take them out...

I love to read books... with toys...

...and play with things I'm not supposed to play with...

It's blue bonnet season in Texas...

Yay! Now I'm one. I can stand and walk! 

And hang upside down like a bat!

Cupcake for my first birthday...

My first Easter...

My visit to the Thinkery...

I also LOVE to eat...

Stay "tuned" for my musical 1st birthday party...coming soon (if Mommy finds time to blog!)...

Aashi 9-10 Months

Aashi 7-8 Months

Mommy is playing catch up on the always! 
Oh well, better late than never!

The best part of the gifts was the wrapping paper...

I'm cruising in my new walker...

...having fun eating my drum sticks....

...and playing dress-up with Sohan, Ami and Kavi!